Glossary of German Terms: Mahler 2

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The 2nd basses not an octave higher, otherwise the effect intended by the composer will be spoiled; it is not a matter of hearing the deep notes, but this manner of writing is only to prevent the low basses from taking the higher B-flat, and thus overemphasizing it. In the course of the last passage, the tempo at this spot has, through a natural holding-back, become very moderate. Must sound so weak, that it in no way affects the melodic passage of the cellos and bassoon.

Here follows a pause of at least 5 minutes. As a nonnative I cannot be sure, but I would think that Elroy indeed shifted the meaning slightly. Eines Abends gab ich schließlich ihrer täglichen Aufforderung nach, mich hemmungslos mit Wodka zu betrinken — Usus in diesen nördlichen Gefilden, um der täglichen Plackerei, der Finsternis und der beißenden Kälte zu entfliehen.

nachgeben - In case the basses have no C-string, 2 of them tune down; the others rest. Take their place in the orchestra again, but with caution not to disturb the a capella singing with any noise.

In this passage the trombones, violins and violas should play only if necessary to keep the chorus from going flat. Paukers use the A and D-flat timpani of the 2nd player. At the entry of the strings and woodwinds, the brasses step back, in order not nachgeben cover their entrance. nachgeben Ton des Nachgeben stark zu betonen the 1st tone of the glissando: strongly accented deutlich clearly, articulate Die 2. The 2nd basses not an octave higher, otherwise the effect intended by the composer will be spoiled; it is not a nachgeben of hearing the deep notes, but this manner of writing is only to prevent the low basses from taking the higher B-flat, and thus overemphasizing it. The 4 horns that were earlier in the distance may be used to reinforce this theme, as well as all subsequent expressly designated passages. The stroke indicates the spot where the individual instuments should come together rhythmically. These instruments in this movement should be placed near each other, preferably in the back of the orchestra. In case the basses have no C-string, 2 of them tune down; the others rest. Here follows a pause of at least 5 minutes. In the course of the last passage, the tempo at this spot has, through a natural holding-back, become very moderate. Takte ist kurz -- gleichsam ein Ausholen zu neuer Kraft. The hold in bar 4 is short nachgeben as a preparation for new strength. Der Autor denkt sich hier, ungefähr, vom Wind vereinzelnd herüber getragene Klänge einer kaum vernehmbaren Music. Must sound so weak, that it in no way affects the melodic passage of the cellos and bassoon. The composer thinks here, roughly, of the isolated sounds of a scarcely audible music, carried over by the wind. Take their place in the orchestra again, but with caution not to disturb the a capella singing with any noise. Die fehlenden Töne eine Octave höher zu spielen, wie manchmal Gebrauch ist, ist nachgeben, wie bei allen folgenden Gelegenheiten -- unzulässig. If there aren't at least 2 basses that possess the low C, then 2 bassists must tune the E string down to D. To play the missing note an octave higher, as is sometimes done, is here -- as in all following occasions -- inadmissable. Spielers zur benutzung dieser Stelle 1st player takes the Nachgeben drum of the 2nd player for the execution of this passage springenden Bogen spring. In order to establish the continuity of the tempo, it is recommended to beat quarters in the first nachgeben. If ther aren't at least 2 basses that possess the low C, then all the basses play only the upper voice for these 5 measures. Wenn nicht wenigstens ein Bassist das Nachgeben C auf seinem Instrument zur Verfügung hat, so spielen nachgeben Bassisten unisono die Oberstimme. If at least one bassist with a low C on his instrument is not available, then all the basses should play the upper voice in unison. In order to simplify the orchestral logistics, take nachgeben that these trumpets if necessary may be taken out of the regular orchestra members Trp.

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You give in, there's going to be guns in every hospital in the country. Spielers zur benutzung dieser Stelle 1st player takes the A-flat drum of the 2nd player for the execution of this passage springenden Bogen spring. You can complete the translation of nachgeben given by the German-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Langenscheidt, Duden, Wissen, Oxford, Collins dictionaries. Ich denke, diese Worte für einen Deutsch Lernende kann tückisch sein. As a nonnative I cannot be sure, but I would think that Elroy indeed shifted the meaning slightly.